
Real name: Buford Hollis

First appearance: Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man 13, after a shadowy cameo on the last page of issue 12.

Powers: Buford possesses the mutant ability to drive (or pilot) any vehicle, and a knack for constructing mechanical gizmos the A-Team would envy. The hog's head he sports is capable of giving off powerful electrical shocks.

History: Razorback came to New York City to look for his missing sister, and to see how the big-time super-heroes performed their super-heroing gigs. He partnered Spider-Man when the two squared off against Brother Power and the Hate Monger, and returned home a hero. He is still a hero in the Mid-West.

Current status: After he helped the She-Hulk with Xemnu, NASA offered to let Buford keep a star-ship he had hijacked. Buford is currently cruising the galaxy.