(Aug., 1970 -- all stories are reprints) Cover art: "EV" (Bill Everett?)
-Tales of Suspense #71 -- "What Price Victory?" Script: Stan Lee. Art: Don Heck/Wally Wood. The pulse-pounding conclusion to Iron Man's first battle with the Titanium Man. Of course he wins, but at the cost of the respect and affection of Pepper Potts!
-Tales of Suspense #79 -- "Disaster!" Script: Stan Lee. Art: Gene Colan/Jack Abel. With the sophistication of a high school sophomore, Atlantean Warlord Krang attacks the surface world. A weakened Iron Man retreats from the scene only to be confronted by the old imperious rex himself, Namor the Sub-Mariner!
-Tales of Suspense #80 -- "When Fall the Mighty!" Script: Stan Lee. Art: Gene Colan/Gary Michaels. In the set-up for the first of many poorly motivated fights between Subby and Shellhead over the years, these two almost go at it! Stay tuned!
-Tales to Astonish #82 -- "The Power of Iron Man!" Script: Stan Lee/Roy Thomas. Art: Gene Colan, Jack Kirby/Dick Ayers. In one of Marvel's first cross-over stories, the fun, action-packed slugfest between Iron Man and the Sub-Mariner ends with the inevitable conflictus interuptus.
Overall, this collection of reprints contains some top-notch Silver Age art coupled with some typical Silver Age plotless shenanigans.
xkot's Recommendation: 3 repulsors!