"The Sons of Yinsen: The Invisible Iron Man." Cover art: Kaare. Script: Joe Quesada, Frank Tieri. Art: Dan Panosian, Paul Ryan/Bud LaRosa, Walden Wong, H. Candelario, M. Pennington.
Tony Stark and the Sons of Yinsen are captives of IM's very first enemy -- the evil warlord Wong Chu! Pretty lame explanations as to how Chu survived all his past tribulations, especially the fact that the Mandarin had turned him into a beetle and squashed him flat. This, and what exactly is the deal with why Chu is rotting on one side of his body -- and all those human bones around him? In other matters, we find out that the other originator of the IM armor, Professor Yinsen, did not die at Wong Chu's hands back in TOS #39! The rest of the ish is the S.O.Y. and IM taking apart Chu and his goons, and the revelation that Prof. Yinsen's brain has been kept "alive" all these years. Tony departs the S.O.Y. on good terms and after his leave we see the S.O.Y.'s flying fortress approaching the island where Tony buried his defeated "sentient" armor mere issues ago!! Hooooo-boy! Lame art at the beginning, but Paul Ryan saves it by doing the latter half of the ish.
Hube's Recommendation: 2 repulsors!