(Sept. 2003) Script: Chuck Austen. Art: Christian Moore. Say wha-a-a-a-t??
Where's the big battle between Stark and Co. and the USWM team? Who the heck are those other, evil War Machines? Make sure you read the "Last Issue" synopsis on the first page to learn things...things that didn't even happen last issue!! Evidently, Fury talked Stark and his cohorts into teaming up with him to find the missing nuke in London. When they all get there, they're greeted by a team of WMs -- designed by Doctor Doom! IM, Rhodes and the other good guys get the best of the bad WMs, and after finding out the location of the nuke, Shellhead and Rhodey jet off for it. Meanwhile, Doc Doom is about to "off" Capt. America, but check it -- Hawkeye puts an arrow right through the Doc's armored helmet and aces him! Stark then finds the nuke, but while disabling it, a Doom failsafe device tears open the IM suit's chestplate, putting Tony in a coma! The issue -- and series -- ends with Rhodes putting the comatose Stark into the Darkhawk virtual reality program!
Obviously, something in the creative process went awry with this series. After a very good start in ish #1 and 2, you need a G.I. Joe Decoder Ring to figure out what's going on! That, and the way-too obvious rush to end the whole shebang are telling. Extremely disappointing.
Hube's Recommendation: 3 USWM patches!