U.S. WAR MACHINE vol. 2 #4
(December 2001) "Book 1: Chapter 4." Story: Chuck Austen. Art: Chuck Austen, Wild and Wooly Press and NIC Entertainment. Layout: Victor Lopez.
The US War Machine Team is finally assembled! Austen lays it on a bit thick with the "boot camp" atmosphere, but he gives us a truly multicultural cast of characters -- which serves the "race" theme of the story well. We get a Japanese dude, a Latino, and the requisite "white bread" Aryan type (without the supremacist attitude, of course). Next, we meet "Scotch," the twelve year old over-hormoned genius behind the reversed-engineered WM armors. Lastly, we encounter Darkhawk -- part man, mostly machine! What will be his role in this whole shebang?
Hube's Recommendation: USWM patches!
TJ's Response: The boot camp feeling may be overdone, but it does a great job of proving that Rhodes has military experience, and has leadership abilities (rather than simply being a bodyguard). And, oh, Darkhawk. Wonderful, wonderful inclusion in this 'What if?' kind of story (that will hopefully become more of an ongoing project)!
TJ's Recommendation: 3 USWM patches!