U.S. WAR MACHINE vol. 2 #7
(December 2001) "Book 1: Chapter 7." Story: Chuck Austen. Art: Chuck Austen, Wild and Wooly Press and NIC Entertainment. Layout: Victor Lopez.
Sheva, Alvarez, and Sakai have found a very naked and pregnant Mrs Parnell. The three argue about how to get her out (serious chain-of-command problem!), then find themselves confronted with more AIM troops! Rhodes, meanwhile, is wondering where all the action went! He doesn't have long to wait before Sheva gives a call for help! She's outta ammo! (Gotta love the sense of realism there). Alvarez and Sakai then demonstrate that the armor is not indestructible! After a furious fight, everyone gets out, except???... Bonus 1/2 patch for the oh-so-cool walking- to-flight panels!
TJ's Recommendation: USWM patches!
Hube's Response: Cool action sequences dominate this ish as the Team attempts to evac with Parnell's wife. Neat, albeit slightly awkward, race tit-for-tat between Parnell and Nathan -- all the while Parnell is dragging Nathan to safety! As for Parnell's "pain" at the ish's end....well, I wasn't too "affected" by it. It just seems a bit contrived.
Hube's Recommendation: 3 USWM patches!