(Sept., 1995) "Long Weekend." Cover art: Fred Haynes & Johnny Greene. Script: Dan Abnett. Art: Fred Haynes/Johnny Greene. 

 Something is killing rural folk near the northwestern town of Matlin Lake! Uh-oh...that's just where Jim Rhodes is heading!! (Who'da thunk it?) The mysterious woman named Skye makes her debut, and Jim goes fishing! Whoa! The "action" is too much! At least Hawkeye makes a gratuitous appearance, but just as he does a very nasty lizard-like creature pops up to take out Rhodey! As Jim races away from the monster with an unconscious Skye in hand, a mysterious ball of energy appears -- and it wants Jim! It engulfs Rhodey...and what appears next....well, you be the judge!

Hube's Recommendation: 2 Variable Threat Response Battle Suits!