TOS #41 "The Stronghold of Doctor Strange!"
Script: Stan Lee and Robert Bernstein
Art: Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers and Marty Epp
Tony Stark is at a hospital charity dance where he donated $100,000. He reflects on his busy life creating atomic naval cannons, synthetic liquid tissue used in surgeries, an alloy that resists all radiations in space, and burp guns that destroy military targets. Iron Man is seen stopping Communist spies at an airport and saving ocean liners from colliding. Iron Man entertains children at the hospital by juggling 7 cars at once by use of his magnets. And he stops a cannon ball shot at him. Miles away, an inmate, Doctor Strange hypnotizes Iron Man to help him break out of prison and flies him away. As the madman begins to control world leaders, Iron Man gets away and tunnels underneath his lab. He destroys the equipment hypnotizing world leaders. Iron Man drained his suit and the daughter of Doctor Strange provide Iron Man with flashlight batteries enough to recharge part of the suit and escape.
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