TOS #43 "Kala, Queen of the Netherworld!"
Script: Stan Lee and Robert Bernstein
Art: Jack Kirby and Don Heck and Art Simek
At Stark Industries' lab, a wind tunnel control mechanism brakes and rocket is unleashed. Tony Stark is notified, who shows up as Iron Man. Iron Man spins to counter the wind and destroys the out of control rocket, ending the crisis. Then, men disappear and then Tony Stark is taken in a impenetrable case to an underground city at the Core of the Earth met by Kala, Queen of the Netherworld. Tony Stark is being made to create a way for the Netherworlders, who broke off from Atlantis and survived under a great glass dome, to get back up to the surface in order to conquer it. Tony succumbs to Kala's demands and asks for a lab to work in and privacy. Tony Stark creates a duplicate Iron Man armor and escapes. Iron Man counters all of Kala's weapons. He takes her to the top as she ages. She wants to go back and remain young. Iron Man takes her back and is released.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available