TOS #73 "My Life For Yours!"
Script: Stan Lee and Roy Thomas and Flo Steinberg
Art: Adam Austin and Gary Michaels and Sol Brodsky and Marie Severin
Iron Man bursts in the hospital to see Happy Hogan. He is missing and the police is present. Iron Man sees a hoof present on the window sill. Iron Man suspects the Black Knight is leaving him a trap with Happy as the bait. Iron Man follows and finds a glove and then a castle 30 miles from Washington. The castle was brought over from Britain brick by brick and then the owner died before moving in. Iron Man sneaks in through open gates and creaking doors as though it is a trap. Iron Man begins to see images of the Black Knight. When IM begins to swing, images disappear until a lance strikes Iron Man with ionic energy. His transistors are disrupted and after a second blast slumps to the floor. Black Knight carries the limp Iron Man up to the sky and drops him. Iron Man grabs the stirrup, and after a few kicks, Iron Man finally uses all his might to upend the flying horse and break the evil Black Knight away causing him to fall. Meanwhile, back at the office, Senator Byrd is looking for Anthony Stark threatening to have him arrested unless he reveals who Iron Man is and shares the armor's secrets with the government. Iron Man splashes into the water and barely gets out making his way to the castle. He's just about out of power and finds Happy. He radios the Washington police and falls behind in a room missed by the police as they save Happy. A dying Iron Man is left behind.
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