TOS #84 "The Other Iron Man!"
Script: Stan Lee
Art: Gene Colan and Frank Giacoia and Sam Rosen
Tony Stark finally appears before Senator Byrd's committee to reveal the power of the Iron Man armor when suddenly Tony grabs his heart and collapses under the strain. The doctor arrive and takes off Tony's suit and shirt exposing his metal plating. They rush him to a hospital. Happy and Pepper are waiting for news. Pepper finally realizing how sick her boss was not being cowardly like she had thought. They take a taxi and rush to the hospital. Meanwhile at the hospital, the nurses are talking about how a recovery happened so quickly once they got the metallic device around Anthony Stark's chest. It is revealed that Tony Stark has a very weak heart and needs to wear this chest piece in order to stay alive. Pepper and Happy arrive, with Pepper rushing to hug Tony. Papers intimate that Tony Stark and Iron Man are never seen in the same place and must be one in the same. Suddenly Iron Man is seen flying through out the city and has several people see including kids out on cycles. Later it is revealed that Happy is wearing the Iron Man armor and having trouble controlling it. He bypasses the booby traps that Stark told him about, so that the world sees Iron Man all the while Stark is in the hospital, showing they can't be the same person. Happy as Iron Man goes to see Tony Stark in the hospital, when suddenly he is transported away by the Mandarin.
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