(June, 1978) "The Man, The Metal, And The Mayhem!"
Cover art: Unknown.
Script: Bill Mantlo.
Art: Keith Pollard/Fred Kida/J. Genovese/G. Roussos.
The transporter egg has carried Iron Man and Jack of Hearts to a far away galaxy to little men in green suits. The Colonizer Command ship is under attack by the Knights of Wundagore II. The New Men (animal creatures made man-like) attack the ship. Iron Man is jettisoned into space and is attacked by both sides. The Colonizers destroy the New Men, just defending their home world, find an ally in Iron Man. But, all still attack and Tony passes out and the armor crashes onto the planet below. Jack of Hearts hears of the Colonizer's planet Rigel, which became over populated and headed for space. It was then attacked by Black Stars that began to destroy the planet, Rigel. The population fled in ships, nine billion people in 700 ships began searching for a new world. They would not inhabit Earth as seen in Thor 134. But, they found Wondagore II, the planet creatures created by the High Evolutionary. The cosmic energy from Rigel mutated the creatures to grow into half-men/half-beasts. Iron Man is attacked in the swamp by a giant preying mantis. He escapes only to be picked up by the New Men, who tell their story while Iron Man recharges. IM is on their side. The Rigeliants threaten Earth if Jack of Hearts doesn't help them.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!