(July, 1978) "Moon Wars!"
Cover art: Pollard/Wiacek.
Script: Bill Mantlo.
Art: Keith Pollard/A. Alcala/ I. Watanabe/D. Warfield.
Iron Man rides a sky cycle into space leading the Knights of Wundagore. In space, Jack of Hearts is threatened by Arcturus who wants power for himself, wants to rule the Rigelian Empire. The Rigelian observer who saved Jack's life confronts Arcturus and is blasted for it. Jack begins to fight back when the ship is attacked. Iron Man and the New Men board the ship, and Arcturus sends the Punisher robot to Earth. Iron Man follows. Then, Jack and the Rigelians fall out of the Egg to the moon, where the Winter Guard awaits. Iron Man can't keep up, but uses his side pods to create tractor-beams that pulls him along. Madame Masque is with the LMD as they track what they think are missiles and fires the super-missile that Tony advised against. IM twists to let the Punisher robot take the blast. Then, they both fall to Earth. Meanwhile we see Happy and Pepper married and on a ranch enjoying their time together. Back in Detroit, Iron Man fights the Punisher robot, created by Galactus. He uses all the power left to defeat him. The Recorder arrives on the moon to end the war and arrest the Rigelian traitors.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!