(Nov., 1978) "Anguish, Once Removed!"
Cover art: Unknown.
Script: David Michelinie/Bob Layton.
Art: John Romita, Jr./Bob Layton/A. Kawecki/G. Roussos.
Tony Stark is getting beat up by the Ani Men. Tony reaches a hidden gun and shoots back. Frog Man knocks him out. Count Nefaria escaped Avengers Mansion when his capsule was destroyed by Arsenal. Whitney only agreed to help her father if Tony was not hurt. Count Nefaria lied to her daughter and wants to kill Tony Stark. Tony gets to his briefcase and becomes Iron Man for all to see and attacks. Then, Spymaster blows the Penthouse as Iron Man is kicked clear to the bottom. His boot jets are out and he quickly climbs the stairs. She escaped with her father. Iron Man heads to another complex and the LMD shows up to stop him. He uses his power storage pods short circuit the LMD. Iron Man finds Whitney trying to save her father when she unleashes the Jupiter Landing Vehicle. Iron Man eventually stops it, but it destroys the container Nefaria was in. It was an accident but Whitney leaves Iron Man.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!