(Nov., 1979) "Demon In A Bottle"
Cover art: Bob Layton.
Script: David Michelinie/Bob Layton.
Art: John Romita, Jr./Bob Layton/John Costanza/Bob Sharen.
Iron Man is drunk and heads out forgetting to open the window, oops. Heads to a train wreck and tries to help, but he causes the contents of the train to contaminate the area. He leaves and heads back to work, where he drinks more. Bethany tries to stop him and tells Tony of her former husband Alex who worked all the time and turned to pills to cope. He was in a car wreck because of the pills. Tony is doing the same thing with alcohol. Tony asks Bethany for help and she helps him go through withdrawals. Tony goes back and speaks to Jarvis, apologizing and returning his employment offer. His mother is sick and has to go to her. He used his shares as collateral for her expenses and when he resigned he lost the shares. Iron Man goes to the loan shark to repay the expenses and wants the two shares returned. The loan shark cannot because he sold them to the government. Iron Man heads back and goes right to the bottle, but Bethany pleads to choose them over the bottle. He does and puts it down. He rides off with Bethany having taken life's worst blows.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!