(March, 1981) "Sunfall"
Cover art: Bob Layton.
Script: David Michelinie/Bob Layton.
Art: John Romita, Jr./Bob Layton/John Costanza/Bob Sharen.
Iron Man and Sunturion are floating in space and the Core of the Starwell is falling to Earth. Iron Man projects it to his a civilian area. He tries to move it with his chest beam, but because of the fight he had with Sunturion, IM is running out of energy. Sunturion tries from the inside to control the station without effect. Then, Sunturion powers Iron Man to use his chest beam charged with microwaves, and together the move it enough to his the sea averting the loss of life. Sunturion sacrificed himself to give Iron Man the power to save lives.
A second story - (March, 1981) "Apocalypse Then"
Script: David Michelinie/Bob Layton.
Art: Joe Brozowski/Bob Layton/John Costanza/Bob Sharen.
Tony and Rhodey are flying and avert a near disaster in the air. Tony compliments Rhodey's flying. Then, Tony recalls when he first was injured and how he met Rhodey after he escaped after making the original Iron Man armor. Rhodey fired on him, but soon found that Iron Man was his friend. Rhodey was working on a helicopter. Then, they are attacked. And, Rhodey and Iron Man repel the enemy. Then Rhodey lets Iron Man recharge. Rhodey is wounded in his leg. Iron Man carries Rhodey until a sniper fires. Iron Man tears out the tree he was in. They come across a camouflaged village in Vietnam. The fight back and steal the helicopter to escape. That is how Rhodey got his job with Tony Stark after the war.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!