(March, 1983) "The Iron Scream"
Cover art: Luke McDonnell/Steve Mitchell.
Script: Dennis O'Neil.
Art: Luke McDonnell/Steve Mitchell/Rick Parker/Bob Sharen.
Machine Man stops by Stark International to see Tony. Tony is drunk and not responding to calls. The company is in financial woes, and Tony won't answer. Machine Man goes over the fence, an alarm is sounded, and he makes it to the outside window of the penthouse secretary's office. He gets in through the window. Iron Man comes out. A drunk Iron Man attacks and destroys the office and the new invention trying to fight Machine Man. Meanwhile a white Rhodey gets close enough to the jet that he fights his way through and flies the plane. He removes his disguise as he tries to figure out where he is. Meanwhile Iron Man tears the place apart with no care for the people or the inventions or the buildings. Machine Man leaves thinking something is terribly wrong. Iron Man can't be bothered and neither can Tony. Who heads out to find more liquor.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!