(July, 1984) "Firebrand's Revenge!"
Cover art: Luke McDonnell/Steve Mitchell.
Script: Denny O'Neil.
Art: Luke McDonnell/Steve Mitchell/Rick Parker/Bob Sharen.
Tony Stark is in a suit of Knight's armor and is carrying a sword. Two officers stop him and unmask him. It is Stark, and he's drunk. He gets arrested, then is bailed out only for the press to pick it up when Tony gets out. Meanwhile, Iron Man is horsing around with Stark's baseball team. Rhodey is enjoying himself. And, Erwin is helping Rhodey manage the armor. Tony has disappeared again, and Stane is about to take over Stark International. They need a Tony Stark signature. Rhodey as Iron Man calls Captain America. Cap finds Tony in a flop house called the Elysian Fields. Iron Man takes off and heads that way. Meanwhile, Firebrand takes the opportunity to destroy Stark and Captain America as he burns the building. Cap gets Tony out, and Iron Man gets many more. Then Firebrand attacks as Iron Man gets a water tower to help slow the fire. He defeats Firebrand and Cap brings the rest out of the building. Tony swaps clothes and disappears. Time has run out, and Obadiah Stane is the new owner of Stark International.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!