(March, 1984) "This Ancient Enemy!"
Cover art: Unknown.
Script: Denny O'Neil
Art: Luke McDonnell/Steve Mitchell/Rick Parker/Bob Sharen.
We open with the Mandarin torturing the Radioactive Man. Then we see Rhodey getting acupuncture to his head that removes the headaches. Tony tries to go to his apartment, but he hasn't paid rent in 6 months and is out. Tony is drunk and has been to 5 places that all say the same in NY, and Gretyl runs away as she is pregnant and needs a place to have the baby. Back in Hong Kong a giant projection of Iron Man get Rhodey to suit up as the Mandarin is bating Iron Man. Three missiles come at Iron Man. Tony in NY goes to a soup kitchen. It is Christmas and waiting for the worst blizzard in decades this night. Rhodey as IM follows the projection after he loses the missiles underwater. He follows over the mountains until a magnetic beam pulls him toward a mountain. IM blasts the magnetic machine and blasts into the mountain himself. The Mandarin is waiting and puts Rhodey through the rings' power and makes him take off his helmet. He is surprised. Mandarin wants Rhodey to kill himself with a sword to his throat, while he destroys the entire nation's rice crop and take over the government.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!