"The Day of The Demolisher!"
Script: Archie Goodwin
Art: Johnny Craig.
IM must battle insane corporate rival Drexel Cord's deadly robot called The Demolisher, an automaton created soley to destroy him! Cord comes to his senses at the cost of his own life when he sees his creation about to kill his beautiful daughter Janice. Iron Man destroys the robot in a fantastic action sequence with the help of Cord's distraction. Beautiful Craig art and a tense Goodwin script make this a winner. Tidbits: First appearance of Janice Cord and first mention of IM's refractory coating.
Appearances: Iron Man (Tony Stark), 1: Demolisher, 1 & D: Drexl Cord (killed by Demolisher), 1: Janice Cord, Jasper Sitwell
Rob Clough's Recommendation: 4 repulsors!