(Nov., 1985) "Resolutions!"
Cover art: Mark Bright.
Script: Denny O'Neil.
Art: Mark Bright/Akin & Garvey.
This is it -- the final battle between Tony Stark and Obadiah Stane! It's Iron Man vs. Iron Monger -- to the death! Featuring the debut of the red and silver "Silver Centurion" armor (my personal fave)! Possibly the single greatest Iron Man issue of all time.
Hube's Recommendation: 5 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: I remember issue 200 as this wonderful reawakening. The past few years had become oppressively dark in story and art. I must say, I ABSOLUTELY HATED LUKE MCDONNELL!!! When he stopped drawing the book I rejoiced so loudly. Man, he was a dreary, ugly artist and I've never been happier to see a penciler leave! In 200 we got our Iron Man back, all shiny and bright and in command! Sure, I was naive and was unaware that one day, Marvel would go all boneheaded again and turn Stark into Kang's murderous thug (but I ignore those issues, they were just a bad nightmare. Don't exist). But for the here and now, the nightmare was over. My hero was back!! -- Shawn
Fan Reaction 2: I was reading your reviews after finding this page a a year or so ago. I was checking out the review of issue 200. I will never forget that time in my life, and being 30 now, its getting harder to recall some things. I remember seeing the new armor in a secret wars 2 issue, and fell in love with it. And I knew 200 was going to have the official debut of it. I was 9-10,and just got home from the beach at 3pm. I called the local comic shop, and asked if 200 was in. She said yes, and I was off. I jumped on my black diamondback bike and made the 5 mile, uphill trek, passing a thermometer that read 111 degrees. And the day at the beach had given me a nasty sunburn. Well I got up there, got my issue, and zoomed home. I stopped at a pawn shop that had comics in the window, and scored IM 193 to boot. That summer was when I got real big into Iron Man. I stopped collecting until my graduation in 1992,when I spent a lot of my graduation bucks on filling in the gaps of my collections that I let die during high school. I still have a nice run, not having bought an IM comic since the Marvel Heroes Reborn abortion. Today's comics cannot do for me what those old IMs do when I thumb threw them. Iron Man will always have a special place in my heart. Thanks for listening. -- Jeremy