(Feb., 1986) "The Maze."
Cover art: Mark Bright.
Script: Denny O'Neil.
Art: Mark Bright/Akin & Garvey/Bob Sharen.
We get a prologue, a month ago, of Bethany Cabe strapped to a table with Madame Masque and Dr. Atlanta is presiding under the direction of Obadiah Stane. It shows a machine switching their personalities into the other's bodies. Today, Iron Man picks up Bethany at the airport literally and brings her to his beach rental. Clytemnestra Erwin shows up still grieving her brother's death and gives information to Tony about his stolen fortune. Bethany pulls a gun to try and shoot Tony but cannot get a clear shot so pulls back not being seen. Madame Masque has busted out of jail and is hiking rides to find her way back to Tony Stark. Meanwhile Iron Man asks Henry Pym to shrink him down to get into Obadiah's computer systems to see if he can restore his fortune to find the code to where it was hidden. He is successful only to go back home to Bethany who pulls a gun to kill him. Then, Madame Masque breaks in and shoots Bethany in the arm and saves Tony's life.
Hube's Recommendation: No Review Available!