(Aug., 1972) "There Lurks the Adaptoid!"
Cover art: Gil Kane/Joe Sinnott.
Script: Mike Friedrich.
Art: George Tuska/Vince Colletta.
Tony Stark takes firm control of S.I. once again -- but Marianne Rodgers senses something amiss at...Avengers Mansion! IM flies over to check it out and discovers...the Adaptoid!! All-out awesome Tuska action scenes!! IM struggles for a power charge at the climax of the donneybrook -- will he get it? And what strange sensation overcomes the Adaptoid?
Hube's Recommendation: 3 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: I had always liked Iron Man but I at that time & I was only 9 but I can really remember picking up that book from a corner store in York Pa at that time, and the problem that I had was with Marianne Rodgers. Hell Tony Stark didn't have to worry to me about the foes that he would face, I was more concerned with that nutjob that would run out on him when he really needed her. Outside of that I liked the storylines cheesy as they were & the artwork, and years later I still have those early Iron Man bagged in which I read them from time to time, thanks for showing this site, it brought back good memories. -- ';