IRON MAN vol. 3 #39
(April, 2001) "Remote Control, part 3: Starks and Stones."
Cover art: Stuart Innomen.
Script: Frank Tieri.
Art: Alitha Martinez, Paul Ryan/Mark Pennington, Rodney Ramos.
Once again, the opening of the ish shows Stark under attack by hired thugs, only this time he makes it to his IM armorto give them a proper response! (Although we have to wait until next issue to find out how he made it to the armor!) Then we're treated to a fairly comprehensive retrospective from vol. 1 #124 to the present, which is cool for newer fans...and even for us older ones, natch! Captain America vouches for Stark on a talk show hosted by a bad Barbara Walters clone! Finally, we pick up where we left off last issue -- IM in danger of being melted by the Radioactive Man's self-destruct. On his third try, Shellhead's new teleporter works, and he is successfully shunted away from RM's threat. Later, the hated Trevor Donohue reveals that it is not he behind the horrible press Stark has been getting, but Ty Stone! Most readers probably already figured this out, however, and are wondering why Tony was so stupid. Stark then confronts Stone, who reveals all his dastardly machinations, and then zaps Tony in the back of the neck with some paralytic device! Paul Ryan easily proves Martinez's artistic superior while Tieri improves more. Continuity Gaffes: When Ryan picks up art duties on pg. 12, he forgot to draw a melted IM faceplate! Also, the Stark/IM retrospective has Tony in the Classic Red and Gold armor during the Armor Wars -- not the Silver Centurion armor.
Hube's Recommendation: 3 repulsors!