IRON MAN vol. 3 #48 (393)
(Jan. 2002) "The Frankenstein Syndrome, part 3."
Cover art: Keron Grant.
Script: Frank Tieri.
Art: Udon Studios' Omar Dogan.
OK, I have to admit -- I'm impressed! Frank Tieri has really turned his image around on this book. He took a rather silly idea from Joe Quesada (the Sons of Yinsen, and arguably even the Sentient Armor) and made it work...well. The true origin of the Sentient Armor is revealed: the Ultron Imperative built into Jocasta -- but that bolt of lightning back during the battle with Whiplash did indeed play a role -- it made the personality of the "kind" Ultron 12 surface, at least somewhat. This is what accounted for the seeming "humanity" of the Sentient Armor when it donated its heart to Tony Stark. Here, Jocasta gets her revenge against the evil mechanoid, and is awarded....with a new body! (See if you can guess whose it is!) Dogan's art is cleaner and crisper than the departed Keron Grant's, making the new armor look quite nifty. In a way, it's too bad we'll only see it for a short while longer. But again, it's Tieri who makes this story work, using his own ideas, and making the best out of others'.
Hube's Recommendation: 4 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: I totally agree with you on this issue. While I have to admit, I was rather unimpressed with the build-up in the previous two issues (though intrigued by Ultron's appearance), but the payoff was great. I was really impressed with how Tieri managed to bring in some good stuff from the Ultron Imperative and actually bring together a nice story from a ridiculous concept in the Sons of Yinsen. Easily my favorite issue of Tieri's run, and quite possibly the only Iron Man comic I've enjoyed without reservations since Busiek's run. -- Colin Smith