IRON MAN vol. 3 #74 (419)
(Jan. 2004) "Logistics" -- The Best Defense, part 2.
Cover art: Jorge Lucas.
Script: John Jackson Miller.
Art: Jorge Lucas.
Stu Conrad is quite miffed that president GW Bush is going to name Tony Stark as Secretary of Defense! But Stark sets Conrad straight, stating that if he has to send people to their deaths, "more will come back alive" (if Tony's in charge)! Tony then jets off as Iron Man to inform shady business-dude Sonny Burch of what's going to happen. In a cool sequence, IM shows up just as a "successful" test of an "impervious" battle-vest occurs. As the military guys are going ga-ga over the results, Shellhead repulsors the vest to shreds and then asks if Burch informed the assembled brass about the vest's vulnerability to sonic blasts! Ever the overconfident slug, Burch reiterates what he told Stark last issue, and as "payback," IMtells him that "he'll enjoy [watching Burch] when everyone else finds out (about his coming appointment)"! Later, at the important news conference, Stark's appointment is announced, and Tony informs the world of something incredible: No one need ever die in war again!
OK, I'm officially impressed. JJM's writing is virtually flawless and he once again captures the very essence of Tony Stark. Not only that, but he clearly writes a credible political back-drop: We see backroom political machinations, Tony practicing for the harsh Senate confirmation hearings (great touch where Conrad brings up the shot-down nominee for SoD John Tower), the reintroduction of yet another character from Stark's past (Artemus Pithins as White House Press Secretary), and Stark making sure his record is as "clean" as possible before his confirmation testimony. Lucas is either better here or I'm digging his take on IM (and people) much more. I still think he needs to use more black color, but he goes for realism and avoids "cartooniness." As a result of all this positivity, I'm going for it -- giving this baby 4 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: After ten years or so of not reading Iron Man, I decided to pick up an issue. Lucky me (?), it was right at the beginning of the Mike Grell run. Getting very depressed with subsequent issues, I began to think that the magic was forever gone. Robin Laws' take on the book, however, began to re-kindle some interest. Then, with issue 70, came the 'Vegas' storyline, and some very interesting art with almost 'dream-like' layouts, and coloring that I found, I don't know...nauseatingly organic, which I thought helped capture the flavor of the tale very well. Then, issue 73 came along with a new creative team which I believe may be the most intriguing I can ever recall on the book. Issues 73 & 74 have, to me, a re-readability that I haven't experienced with comics in over twenty years. I actually found myself agreeing with Tony Stark, thinking, "Yeah..why DID he ever keep his identity a secret?"! I had very nebulous feelings about the revealed identity at first, but John Jackson Miller makes it all work somehow, and work well. This is good stuff! And is it just me, or is Jorge Lucas basing his Tony Stark on 'Lost in Space's Guy Williams? Thanks for the site..! -- Bob Lewis