IRON MAN vol. 3 #84 (428 labelled but really 429)
(Aug. 2004) "When Worlds Collide! -- Turf War part 1."
Cover art: Steve Epting.
Script: John Jackson Miller.
Art: Jorge Lucas.
A conundrum! Henry Gyrich and Avengers butler Jarvis ponder Avengers Mansion's growing garbage problem. Why is there a problem? because Avengers Mansion is now sovereign territory and no longer part of the United States! Cut to: Carl Walker in his (recolored) Force armor battling a trio of armored "hostiles." Oh, but that's just a training exercise where new Secretary of Defense Tony Stark is showing off to senators some of his ideas to make US soldiers "invulnerable" in the field. But the senators need to rap with Stark in private -- about a little thing dubbed "Project Tomorrow." It seems that there was another Arsenal machine built by Stark's father (see IM vol. 1 #114 for IM's battle with the first) in a secret sub-basement under Avengers Mansion (which was, you recall, once the Stark family house). Here's the hassle: Since Avengers Mansion is now essentially a "sovereign nation," how can Stark (Iron Man) get into the mansion's basement to permanently deactivate the Arsenal ... legally, that is, and without arousing suspicion? Answer: He can't! He's actually on the verge of success until Gyrich orders the Falcon to jam the Arsenal deactivation code being sent to IM from Washington! Hooo-boy! Arsenal then "awakens" and all hell breaks loose!
What more can I say about JJM's respect for Iron Man lore? Yet again, he demonstrates his impeccable IM knowledge -- bringing back a late-70s villain with appropriate history, a cool "Force Works" quip by Carl Walker just to name two -- as well as his familiarity with politics and political machinations. Color me impressed. Again. It sucks that Miller's exiting the title soon.
Hube's Recommendation: 3 1/2 repulsors!
Fan Reaction: This is one of the best Iron Man issues I have read in a LONG time. I have not been real thrilled about whole Avengers Disassembled and the re-launch of the book but, after reading this issue and the first two issue of Thor I am very impressed. These comics feel like the good old days of Marvel. I agree Hube, it is shame that Miller is leaving soon. I have not liked all his stories but he has been one HELL of a faithful writer to the Iron Man lore!! One problem I have with this issue as well as with several books lately: Marvel needs to go back and but the reference boxes back in so we can go a look up these old issues. I also believe that they would help comic shops sell more back issues because people might be interested in reading the original source material.
One other note: You mentioned in your review, that Iron Man battled the original Arsenal back in issue 114. That issue continued over into Avengers Annual #9 from 1979. The whole team battled Arsenal but the issue was more about IM. It was in this book that much of the material that Miller used in the issue came from not from IM #114. Can’t wait to see how this one ends. It has been a while since I have had that feeling. -- SZKZt