Featuring the following heroine!

by Kirk Furlotte

Real Name: Apparently, it's DreamQueen, though how she was even named is questionable. Her mom, a succubus named Zhilla Charr, died giving birth to her after all, and her dad, Nightmare, doesn't seem the coddling type and, in fact, trapped DreamQueen in her own private realm away from any other living beings.

First Appearance: Alpha Flight 56 (briefly, we don't get a good look at her until Alpha Flight 57)
Favorite Quote: "Darling, would you mind walking down the path and picking me some flowers?" (Alpha Flight 68; the DreamQueen tricked this kind samaritan into walking in front of a moving car, killing him.)

Team Affiliation: The DreamQueen really doesn't strike me as a team player. However, when minions are needed, she simply creates Dream Demons. These creatures are perfectly capable of killing someone unless that person knows that they are an illusion.

Powers: As a result of being the daughter of a succubus and a demon, the DreamQueen has many powers that are mostly mystical in nature. In her own private dimension, known as LiveWorld, she can alter the very shape of reality, creating almost anything with pure will. Outside of her own realm, she can drastically alter people's perceptions of events and reality, to the point where your "bad dreams" can kill you. As well, she can tap into a person's subconscious mind to better affect them. She can also plant "psychic seeds" which will grow inside someone's mind, making them suffer hallucinations and channeling her their fear, making her more powerful.

Favorite Story line: The Wrath of the DreamQueen (Alpha Flight 67 - 70) where the DreamQueen escapes to earth, takes over the city of Edmonton and manipulates the entire populace into acting out their darkest fantasies. This is DreamQueen at her best (which means, at her most evil).

Least Favorite Story line: Her appearances in Alpha Flight 129. While she did serve as a good plot device, she was shown affecting the Alphans' dreams from her realm which she has never been able to do (in fact, that has long been the source of her anger and frustration.).

Hey! She's Not All Bad! The DreamQueen is most likely responsible for keeping an infant Goblyn Dean alive when she first materialized in the DreamQueen's world. Sure, she was just using both Goblyn and her sister Laura to find a means of escape, but it was nice letting them both live and thrive and all that.

Future For The Character: Well, considering that the new Alpha Flight book will be avoiding mystical enemies, it's not likely we'll see her for a while.