Featuring the following heroine!

Ms. Marvel

Real name: Carol Danvers

Other superhero aliases: Binary

First appearance: As Carol Danvers, security head at NASA, Marvel Super Heroes 13. As Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel 1, although the accident that gave her the powers of Ms. Marvel occurred in Captain Marvel 14. As Binary, The Uncanny X-men 164.

Favorite quote: "Woman, some days just aren't worth the effort." (MM 13)

Team affiliation: Ms. Marvel helped the Avengers defeat Ultron in Avengers 171, then appeared sporadically until 
joining the team full time in 181. Carol also kept close ties with Captain Marvel, from whom she derived her powers. 
After Avengers Annual 10 where she rejected her Avengers teammates, Carol stayed with the X-men before becoming 
Binary. She was with the Starjammers but returned to the Avengers when the team sent out a call for all active and 
reserve members.

Powers: As Ms. Marvel, Carol was strong, near invulnerable, and could fly. She also possessed an ill-defined sixth sense that would warn her of danger, and which may have been at the root of her occasional split personality. (Interestingly enough, Rogue, who absorbed her powers, also struggled periodically with split personality problems.) As Binary, Carol can generate star-powered blasts and fly through space sans pressure suit or breathing apparatus.

Ms.M Favorite Story line: I liked all the Claremont Ms. Marvel issues, but MM 17-18 stand out. MM 18 guest starred the Avengers and featured the first true glimpse of Raven Darkholme, the woman who would become Mystique.

Least Favorite Story line: Avengers 200, where Carol was deprived of her dignity, and Avengers Annual 10, where her powers and personality were absorbed by Rogue. This has the distinction of being my least favorite story line of all time.
Other "appearances": Although Carol Danvers as Binary stayed in space for a loooong time, she still managed to show up here on Earth. Carol was part of Wolverine's hallucinations in Uncanny X-men 257. In addition, the part of her personality absorbed by Rogue periodically exerted control, until it obtained physical form and was "killed" by Magneto in Uncanny X-Men 269. She appeared as the Huntress in the DC-Marvel "Amalgam" crossover, opposite Logan as Dark Claw. Back in Marvel continuity, her original powers of flight and near-invulnerability remain with Rogue.

Special thanks: to Nathan Wilmes, who helped me piece together how Ms. Marvel could take over Rogue when Carol Danvers wasn't even on the planet at the time.