Featuring the following heroine!


by Adam Bourret

Real name: Kwannon
AKA: Betsy Braddock. Psylocke.

First appearance: X-men 17, although her body first appeared in New Mutants Annual 2
Died in: X-Men 31. Suffering from the Legacy Virus, she asked Nyoirin to release her from the pain of the disease. One assumes he agreed...

Favorite quote: "I am Betsy Braddock! This woman is -- and always has been -- an impostor!" (X-Men 20)

Group affiliation: Well, it depends on what you are talking about, Revanche in mind or in body. Her body went around as the substitute for Captain Britain for a while and also became an X-Man. Her mind was quite happy with being Lord Nyoirin's assassin.
Powers: In her original body Kwannon had no superhuman powers save for a very low level of underdeveloped telepathy which she used mainly for espionage purposes. In the body of Betsy Braddock she had telepathy almost on par with Jean Grey and, like Psylocke, could generate a psychic blade.

Favorite storyline: X-Men 20, where the flirtation between Psylocke and Cyclops comes to a peak. Revanche shows up and reveals that everything that you know about Psylocke is a lie (and does it a heck of a lot better than the Spider-clone storyline!)
Least favorite storyline: Revanche didn't survive long enough to play a role in any real lousy stories but the fact that she, a confused and bitter woman trying to regain her life, was pitched by Marvel into the "Legacy Virus" cauldron is lame enough to count.
Future for the character: While Revanche herself is quite dead, this Crimson Dawn fiasco seems to have restored her bitter qualities in Psylocke.