Featuring the following heroine!


Real name: Kathyrne "Kitty" Pryde.
AKA: Sprite. Ariel. Katya. Her "Days of Future Past" self went by "Kate."

First appearance: Uncanny X-Men 129, where she was recruited by both Emma Frost and Charles Xavier before she even knew she was a mutant.

Team affiliation: Kitty's overbearing dad was impressed by Charles Xavier, so much so that he sent Kitty to the Xavier Institute for schooling. Ravaged by her parents' divorce, she latched onto Storm as a surrogate mother figure. Wolverine trained her in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts; a good thing, since she needed both to take down the demon Ogun. She also formed a close friendship with the teen-aged version of Illyana Rasputin, AKA Magik. When the child version of Illyana was dying of the Legacy Virus, Kitty made frequent trips across the ocean to sit by Illyana's sickbed. Kitty's overwhelming crush on Illyana's older brother, Colossus, was often a driving motivational force in her early training. However, Colossus became more and more of a self-centered cad over the years; Kitty matured and moved on. After an infatuation with fellow nerd Alastaire Stuart didn't pan out, Kitty hooked up with Peter Wisdom, ex of Black Air. She (along with her pet dragon, Lockheed) became a charter member of Excalibur when the X-Men were presumed killed battling the Adversary. She's also been seen waltzing around the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier.

Powers: Kitty has the mutant ability to phase through solid objects. If said object happens to be electrical, it is completely disrupted by this process. A mishap with the Brood Queen left Kitty intangible for a considerable part of the Excalibur run. She also has a genius level IQ, an instinctive knowledge of computers and physics, and can discuss disincorporation theory with the Prowler even when the two of them are trying to strangle each other.

Favorite quote: "Typical. Bad guys always have the edge on us. Like it's a rule or something." (Excalibur 12. Kitty acidly comments on a beastie's immunity to Cosmic Entity Phoenix's psionic powers.)

Favorite storyline: Kitty had a lot of fun during the Cross-Time Caper. She got to live out every one of her childhood fantasies (and a few fantasies she never had) as she became engaged to a Prince, did a Red-Sonja-warrior-woman routine, and even told part of the story herself. All while tripping over alternate versions of herself and Lockheed left and right! (Actually, I like the "Days of Future Past" story where Kate tries to prevent the holocaust of her time by coming back to her childhood and preventing the assassination that started the holocaust...but that's an alternate reality Pryde, not the Shadowcat we all know and love).

Least favorite storyline: I have no objections to Peter Wisdom per se, but the whole Black Air/Hellfire Club/God-Knows-What-Else thing that tossed him into Kitty's life was incoherent and, even worse, tedious.