Issue 5 - Iron Man in his improvised armor and Riri and Melinda May fight Lucia Von Bardas and a Stark Sentinel and Chicago Heat. Chicago Heat, the terrorist organization has rounded up and caged several black kids in an apparent racists move to rid the city of them, while Lucia seems to think that America deserves to lose its technology. Lucia fights and gains the upper hand once uploading her software consciousness into the Stark Sentinel, but then Riri uses Pym to grow to its size. Then she shrinks the Sentinel down to size. Then, Iron Man says he will stop making surveillance equipment. Riri then makes all the people's weapons chargeable tor Iron Man to turn them into portable repulsor weapons so they can destroy the warehouse that held them. Tony vows to end weapons manufacturing and other things and upgrade his armor. Issue 4 - A group of terrorists called the Heat in Chicago raid a dinner and kidnap the people in it. We switch to Santa Monica where Tony called Riri Williams to come look at the medallion that Justine Hammer left and the new Iron Monger suit of armor. Tony also called in the Scarlet Witch to help understand the magic from the broach. Scarlet Witch goes in it and finds formidable magic in it. Says that it can corrupt the wearer and the Mysterium acted as a stabilizer for the dark forces. Riri hooks it up to Stark servers, and it begins to eat away at the magic virus that originally attacked his armors. All are wiped except for a California factory to get Stark tech into SHIELD. Tony and Riri go to see Melinda. This was something Tony approved as Director of SHIELD. Melinda takes them to it and finds Agent 33 (Kara Palamas, who quit SHIELD and started a private firm stealing Stark technologies and selling them to the Heat in Chicago, to Lucia Von Bardas with a Stark Sentinel. Issue 3 - Iron Man is fighting the new Force. Meanwhile, the board is meeting to join Roxxon Oil and Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) in a merger. Iron Man defeats Force and breaks through the window where the merger meeting is taking place. He plugs himself in to massive machinery and pitches why people should not vote for the merger. Dr. Druid is part of this and so is a newly alive again Justine Hammer. She turns into Iron Monger, and Iron Man battles her with a giant sword. Dr. Druid introduces a middle man demon to seduce the board members' greed. Tony informs the extradimensional backers that the history of A.I.M. and Roxxon have been as losers to Iron Man and the Avengers. So, they back out, threatening the souls of the members. They call for Iron Man to help. He does.
Under Communications (Links Page): I'm trying to recover from archives some of the older sites that went away on the internet. I've contacted many of the owners for permission to host the content of their sites. If I've missed someone, please contact me. Thank you!
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